Source code for skg.exp

Exponential fit with and additive bias of the form :math:`A + Be^{Cx}`.

.. todo::

   Add proper handling of colinear inputs (and other singular matrix cases).

.. todo::

   Add tests.

.. todo::

   Add nan_policy argument.

.. todo::

   Add PEP8 check to formal tests.

.. todo::

   Add axis parameter.

from numpy import array, cumsum, diff, empty, exp, subtract
from scipy.linalg import lstsq

from .util import preprocess_pair

__all__ = ['exp_fit']

[docs]def exp_fit(x, y, sorted=True): r""" Exponential fit of the form :math:`A + Be^{Cx}`. This implementation is based on the approximate solution to integral equation :eq:`exp-eq`, presented in :ref:`ref-reei`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The x-values of the data points. The fit will be performed on a raveled version of this array. y : array-like The y-values of the data points corresponding to `x`. Must be the same size as `x`. The fit will be performed on a raveled version of this array. sorted : bool Set to True if `x` is already monotonically increasing or decreasing. If False, `x` will be sorted into increasing order, and `y` will be sorted along with it. Return ------ a, b, c : ~numpy.ndarray A 3-element array of optimized fitting parameters. The first element is the additive bias, the second the multiplicative, and the third the exponential. References ---------- - [Jacquelin]_ "\ :ref:`ref-reei`\ ", :ref:`pp. 15-18. <reei2-sec2>` """ x, y = preprocess_pair(x, y, sorted) M = empty(y.shape + (2,), dtype=y.dtype) subtract(x, x[0], out=M[:, 0]) M[0, 1] = 0 cumsum(0.5 * diff(x) * (y[1:] + y[:-1]), out=M[1:, 1]) Y = y - y[0] (A, B), *_ = lstsq(M, Y, overwrite_a=True, overwrite_b=True) a, c = -A / B, B M[:, 0].fill(1.0) exp(c * x, out=M[:, 1]) (a, b), *_ = lstsq(M, y, overwrite_a=True, overwrite_b=False) out = array([a, b, c]) return out
[docs]def model(x, a, b, c): """ Compute :math:`y = A + Be^{Cx}`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The value of the model will be the same shape as the input. a : float The additive bias. b : float The multiplicative bias. c : float The exponent. Return ------ y : array-like An array of the same shape as `x`, containing the model computed for the given parameters. """ return a + b * exp(c * x)
exp_fit.model = model