Source code for skg.nsphere

N-sphere fit with center and radius.

This module is a little different from the others because it fits an
n-dimensional surface and because it does not have a model function
because of the non-functional nature of n-spheres.

from numpy import empty, sqrt, square
from scipy.linalg import lstsq

from .util import preprocess

__all__ = ['nsphere_fit']

[docs]def nsphere_fit(x, axis=-1, scaling=False): r""" Fit an n-sphere to ND data. The center and radius of the n-sphere are optimized using the Coope method. The sphere is described by .. math:: \left \lVert \vec{x} - \vec{c} \right \rVert_2 = r Parameters ---------- x : array-like The n-vectors describing the data. Usually this will be a nxm array containing m n-dimensional data points. axis : int The axis that determines the number of dimensions of the n-sphere. All other axes are effectively raveled to obtain an ``(m, n)`` array. scaling : bool If `True`, scale and offset the data to a bounding box of -1 to +1 during computations for numerical stability. Default is `False`. Return ------ r : scalar The optimal radius of the best-fit n-sphere for `x`. c : array An array of size `x.shape[axis]` with the optimized center of the best-fit n-sphere. References ---------- - [Coope]_ "\ :ref:`ref-cfblanls`\ " """ x = preprocess(x, float=True, axis=axis) n = x.shape[-1] x = x.reshape(-1, n) m = x.shape[0] B = empty((m, n + 1), dtype=x.dtype) X = B[:, :-1] X[:] = x B[:, -1] = 1 if scaling: xmin = X.min() xmax = X.max() scale = 0.5 * (xmax - xmin) offset = 0.5 * (xmax + xmin) X -= offset X /= scale d = square(X).sum(axis=-1) y, *_ = lstsq(B, d, overwrite_a=True, overwrite_b=True) c = 0.5 * y[:-1] r = sqrt(y[-1] + square(c).sum()) if scaling: r *= scale c *= scale c += offset return r, c