Source code for skg.util

Shared utility functions used by the fitting routines.

from numpy import (
    add, argsort, array, concatenate, empty, flatnonzero, float_, inexact,
    issubdtype, mean, median, sqrt, __version__ as __np_version__
from numpy.core.multiarray import normalize_axis_index
from numpy.lib import NumpyVersion

__all__ = [
    'bias_mean', 'counts', 'ends', 'medians', 'moveaxis', 'preprocess',
    'preprocess_pair', 'preprocess_npair', 'roots', 'stds', 'sums', 'vars'

if NumpyVersion(__np_version__) >= '1.11.0':
    from numpy import moveaxis
    from numpy import rollaxis
    def moveaxis(a, start, end):
        return rollaxis(a, start, normalize_axis_index(end, a.ndim + 1))

[docs]def preprocess(x, copy=False, float=False, axis=None): """ Ensure that `x` is a properly formatted numpy array. Proper formatting means at least one dimension, and may include optional copying, reshaping and coersion into a floating point datatype. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The array to process. If not already a numpy array, it will be converted to one. copy : bool, optional If True, a copy is made regardless of whether `x` is already a numpy array or not. The default is False. float : bool, optional If True, and `x` is not an inexact array already (:py:attr:`numpy.float16`, :py:attr:`numpy.float32`, :py:attr:`numpy.float64`, :py:attr:`numpy.float96`, :py:attr:`numpy.float128`, etc), coerce to be of type :py:attr:`numpy.float_`. Defaults to False. axis : int, optional If specified, the specified axis is moved to the end of the shape. Default is to return `x` with the original dimensions. Return ------ x : ~numpy.ndarray Processed version of the input. """ if float: dtype = x.dtype if hasattr(x, 'dtype') and \ issubdtype(x.dtype, inexact) else float_ else: dtype=None x = array(x, copy=copy, subok=not copy, ndmin=1, dtype=dtype) if axis is not None and axis not in (-1, x.ndim - 1): # moveaxis always returns a new view, never the same object x = moveaxis(x, axis, -1) return x
[docs]def preprocess_pair(x, y, sorted=True, xcopy=False, ycopy=False): """ Ensure that `x` and `y` are floating point arrays of the same size, ranked in increasing order by `x`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The x-values of the data points. The array will be converted to floating point, raveled and sorted, only as necessary. y : array-like The y-values of the data points corresponding to `x`. Must be the same size as `x`. Will be converted to floating point and raveled only as necessary. Will be sorted if `x` gets sorted. sorted : bool Set to True if `x` is already monotonically increasing or decreasing. If False, `x` will be sorted into increasing order, and `y` will be sorted along with it. xcopy : bool, optional Ensure that `x` gets copied even if it is already an array. The default is to leave arrays untouched as much as possible. ycopy : bool Ensure that `y` gets copied even if it is already an array. The default is to leave arrays untouched as much as possible. Return ------ x, y : ~numpy.ndarray Processed versions of the inputs. See Also -------- preprocess_npair : Similar function but for `x` containing vectors and `y` scalars. """ x = preprocess(x, copy=xcopy, float=True) y = preprocess(y, copy=ycopy, float=True) if x.shape != y.shape: raise ValueError('x and y must be the same shape') x = x.ravel() y = y.ravel() if not sorted: # Is there a better way to do this in scipy? ind = argsort(x) x = x[ind] y = y[ind] return x, y
[docs]def preprocess_npair(x, y, axis=-1, xcopy=False, ycopy=False): """ Ensure that `x` and `y` are floating point arrays of compatible size. `x` is an array containing vectors along dimension `axis`. `y` contains scalar elements. The shape of `y` must match that of `x` exactly except for `axis`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The vector x-values of the data points. The array will be converted to floating point, and raveled along all dimensions but `axis`, which will be the last dimension. y : array-like The y-values of the data points corresponding to `x`. Must have one fewer dimension than `x`, and its shape must match all elements of `x`'s shape except `axis`. Will be converted to floating point and raveled. xcopy : bool, optional Ensure that `x` gets copied even if it is already an array. The default is to leave arrays untouched as much as possible. ycopy : bool Ensure that `y` gets copied even if it is already an array. The default is to leave arrays untouched as much as possible. Return ------ x, y : ~numpy.ndarray Processed versions of the inputs. See Also -------- preprocess_pair : For cases when `x` and `y` both contain scalars, and are the exact same size. """ if axis is None: raise ValueError('Axis must be an integer, not None') x = preprocess(x, copy=xcopy, float=True, axis=axis) y = preprocess(y, copy=ycopy, float=True) if x.shape[:-1] != y.shape: raise ValueError('x and y must be the same shape besides axis in x') x = x.reshape(-1, x.shape[-1]) y = y.ravel() return x, y
[docs]def ends(p, size): """ Compute the exclusive end indices of each cluster for a dataset of `size` elements. Parameters ---------- p : array-like The start points of each cluster. Clusters continue until the start of the next cluster. size : int The size of the dataset (not of `p`). Necessary because `p` omits the end index. Return ------ q : numpy.ndarray The exclusive indices of the end of each cluster. ``q.size == p.size``. """ return concatenate((p.ravel()[1:], [size]))
[docs]def counts(p, size): """ Compute the number of elements in each cluster in a dataset of `size` elements. Parameters ---------- p : array-like The start points of each cluster. Clusters continue until the start of the next cluster. size : int The size of the dataset (not of `p`). Necessary because `p` omits the end index. Return ------ c : numpy.ndarray The number of elements in each cluster. ``c.size == p.size``. """ c = ends(p, size) c -= p.ravel() return c
[docs]def sums(x, p): """ Compute the sums of each cluster in `x`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The array to compute sums over. p : array-like The start points of each cluster. Clusters continue until the start of the next cluster. The indices should start with zero and increase monotonically. Return ------ s : numpy.ndarray The sum of each cluster identified by `p`. """ return add.reduceat(preprocess(x).ravel(), p.ravel())
[docs]def means(x, p): """ Compute the means of each cluster in `x`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The array to compute means over. p : array-like The start points of each cluster. Clusters continue until the start of the next cluster. The indices should start with zero and increase monotonically. Return ------ m : numpy.ndarray The mean of each cluster identified by `p`. """ x = preprocess(x) return sums(x, p) / counts(p, x.size)
[docs]def vars(x, p): """ Compute the variances of each cluster in `x`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The array to compute variances over. p : array-like The start points of each cluster. Clusters continue until the start of the next cluster. The indices should start with zero and increase monotonically. Return ------ v : numpy.ndarray The variance of each cluster identified by `p`. """ x = preprocess(x) c = counts(p, x.size) return (sums(x**2, p) - sums(x, p)**2 / c) / c
[docs]def stds(x, p): """ Compute the standard deviations of each cluster in `x`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The array to compute standard deviations over. p : array-like The start points of each cluster. Clusters continue until the start of the next cluster. The indices should start with zero and increase monotonically. Return ------ s : numpy.ndarray The standard deviation of each cluster identified by `p`. """ return sqrt(vars(x, p))
[docs]def medians(x, p): """ Compute the median of each cluster in `x`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The array to compute medians over. p : array-like The start points of each cluster. Clusters continue until the start of the next cluster. The indices should start with zero and increase monotonically. Return ------ m : numpy.ndarray The median of each cluster identified by `p`. """ x = preprocess(x).ravel() m = empty(p.size) for i, (start, end) in enumerate(zip(p, ends(p, x.size))): m[i] = median(x[start:end]) return m
[docs]def bias_mean(x, y): """ Computes the bias of a dataset as the mean of the `y` values. This function is a wrapper to be used as `bias` for `roots`. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The x-values, passed in to fulfill the correct interface and otherwise ignored. y : array-like The y-values of the data, treated as a 1D raveled array. Return ------ The mean of `y`. """ return mean(y)
[docs]def roots(x, y, sorted=True, bias=bias_mean, return_indices=False, return_bias=False): """ Interpolate the roots of a 1-D dataset. Roots are interpolated using linear interpolation about an arbitrary bias, possibly generated from the data. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The x-values of the data. Must be monotonically increasing or decreasing. Treated as a 1D raveled array. y : array-like The y-values of the data. Treated as a 1D raveled array. Must be the same lendth as `x`. sorted : bool Set to True if `x` is already monotonically increasing or decreasing. If False, `x` will be sorted into increasing order, and `y` will be sorted along with it. bias : scalar or array-like or callable, optional Either a fixed y-value that the data is offset by, or a callable that generates the value from `x` and `y`. The roots are computed for the y-values with the bias subtracted off. Defaults to the mean of the data. return_indices : bool, optional If `True`, return the indices of the interpolation points. return_bias : bool, optional If `True`, return the bias as an additional output parameter. This parameter is especially useful if `bias` is a callable. Return ------ roots : numpy.ndarray The x-values of the interpolated intersections between the data and the bias. indices : numpy.ndarray If `return_indices` is set, this will be the indices of the interpolation points in `x`, as if returned by `numpy.searchsorted`. This will be the index of the point on the right of the interval containing the root. bias : numpy.ndarray or scalar If `return_bias` is set, this will be the actual scalar or array that is subtraced from the y-values to compute the roots. """ if callable(bias): bias = bias(x, y) x, y = preprocess_pair(x, y, sorted, ycopy=True) # Speed tested y -= bias # Speed tested le = (y <= 0) gt = ~le mask = (gt[:-1] & le[1:]) | (le[:-1] & gt[1:]) # Speed tested m0 = flatnonzero(mask) m1 = m0 + 1 x0 = x[m0] x1 = x[m1] y0 = y[m0] y1 = y[m1] roots = (x0 * y1 - x1 * y0) / (y1 - y0) if return_indices: if return_bias: return roots, m1, bias return roots, m1 if return_bias: return roots, bias return roots