Source code for skg.sin

Sinusoidal fit based on the clustering algorithms in

The only parameter that is estimated with high accuracy is frequency.
All the other paramters can be obtained from other non-linear estimation

.. math::

   f(x) = a sin(\omega t - \phi) + b

An alternative to this method is Jean Jacquelin's method.

.. todo::

   Add link to JJ's method above.

.. todo::

   Add proper handling of colinear inputs (and other singular matrix cases).

.. todo::

   Add proper handling for < 1 period.

.. todo::

   Add tests.

.. todo::

   Add nan_policy argument.

.. todo::

   Add axis parameter. Figure out how to do it properly.

.. todo::

   Add PEP8 check to formal tests.

.. todo::

   Allow broadcasting of x and y, not necessarily identical size

from numpy import (
    argpartition, concatenate, full_like, searchsorted, median, std, sqrt,
    sin, pi

from .cluster1d import cluster1d
from .util import preprocess_pair, roots, counts, sums, medians, ends

__all__ = ['sin_fit']

[docs]def sin_fit(t, y, sorted=True, _debug=False): r""" Compute estimated initial parameters for noisy sinusoidal data. The result will have a very accurate approximation of the frequency, which is the crucial parameter for non-linear estimator initial values. Parameters ---------- t : array-like The x-values of the data points. The fit will be performed on a raveled version of this array. y : array-like The y-values of the data points corresponding to `x`. Must be the same size as `x`. The fit will be performed on a raveled version of this array. sorted : bool Set to True if `x` is already monotonically increasing or decreasing. If False, `x` will be sorted into increasing order, and `y` will be sorted along with it. Return ------ a : float Amplitude. omega : float Angular frequency: :math:`\omega = \frac{2\pi}{\lambda}`. phi : float Angular phase-shift. b : float Additive bias. References ---------- - Currently none. This function, and the underlying clustering algorithm are entirely the work of the author. A peer reviewed paper is currently in the works. """ # t: Time of raw readings # y: Sinusoidal readings t, y = preprocess_pair(t, y, sorted) # z: The interpolated crossings (in units of `t`) # bias: mean value of `y` z, bias = roots(t, y, return_bias=True) # breaks: indices into `z`, starting with zero breaks = cluster1d(z, sensitivity=2) # xings: medians of each group of `z` delimited by `breaks`, units of `t` xings = medians(z, breaks) if _debug: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.figure() p1 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) p1.vlines(z, 0, 1) p1.vlines(0.5 * (z[breaks[1:]] + z[breaks[:-1] + 1]), 0, 1, color='r', linestyle=':') p1.scatter(xings, full_like(xings, 0.5), c='m', zorder=10) p1.set_title('Initial grouping') # Post process crossings # Speed tested # indices: locations where `xings` fall into the original `t` indices = concatenate(([0], searchsorted(t, xings, side='right'))) # sign: True for each region between a pair of `indices` that has at least # half its points above the bias, False for the other regions. Same size # as `indices` because of implicit last element. sign = (sums(y > bias, indices) > 0.5 * counts(indices, t.size)) # mask: selection of regions that have opposite signs. Crossings that are # between regions with the same sign are automatically deemed fake. mask = (sign[:-1] != sign[1:]) if _debug: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt p2 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 2, sharex=p1) for sig, start, end in zip(sign, indices, ends(indices, t.size)): p2.plot(t[start:end], y[start:end], 'b' if sig else 'r') p2.plot(xings, full_like(xings, bias), 'mx', zorder=10) p2.plot(xings[~mask], full_like(xings[~mask], bias), 'mo', zorder=10) p2.set_title('Checking for sign flip') # Remove invalid `xings` xings = xings[mask] # Extract wavelengths wl_start = xings[:-2] wl_end = xings[2:] wavelengths = wl_end - wl_start wavelength = median(wavelengths) # Location of median wavelength k = (wavelengths.size - 1) // 2 wavelength_index = argpartition(wavelengths, k)[k] offset = (wavelength_index % 2 == 1) ^ sign[0] if _debug: p3 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 3, sharex=p1) for i, (start, end) in enumerate(zip(wl_start, wl_end)): color = 'g' if i == wavelength_index else 'r' p3.plot([start, end], [i % 3, i % 3], '-o', c=color) p3.set_title('Alternating wavelengths') omega = 2.0 * pi / wavelength amplitude = std(y) * sqrt(2.0) # Sine has crest factor ~= sqrt(2) full_phase = xings[wavelength_index + offset] phase = omega * (full_phase % wavelength) if _debug: lims = p2.get_xlim() p2.arrow(0, bias + 0.1 * amplitude, full_phase, 0, color='orange') p2.plot([full_phase] * 2, [bias + 0.12 * amplitude, 0], color='orange') p2.set_xlim(lims) return amplitude, omega, phase, bias
[docs]def model(t, a, omega, phi, b): r""" Compute :math:`a sin(\omega t - \phi) + b`. Parameters ---------- t : array-like The value of the model will be the same shape as the input. a : float The amplitude of the sine wave at :math:`t = \frac{\left( \frac{\pi}{2} + \phi \right)}{\omega}`. omega : float The angular frequency of the sinusoid. This is :math:`2 \pi f`, where :math:`f` is the frequency. phi : float The angular phase shift of the sinusoid. This is the phase shift in units of periods. The phase shift can be expressed as :math:`t_0 = \frac{\phi}{\omega}`. b : float The bias of the sinusoid. Return ------ y : array-like An array of the same shape as `t`, containing the model computed for the given parameters. """ return a * sin(omega * t - phi) + b
sin_fit.model = model