
Sinusoidal fit based on the clustering algorithms in skg.cluster1d.

The only parameter that is estimated with high accuracy is frequency. All the other paramters can be obtained from other non-linear estimation techniques.

f(x) = a sin(\omega t - \phi) + b

An alternative to this method is Jean Jacquelin’s method.


Add link to JJ’s method above.


Add proper handling of colinear inputs (and other singular matrix cases).


Add proper handling for < 1 period.


Add tests.


Add nan_policy argument.


Add axis parameter. Figure out how to do it properly.


Add PEP8 check to formal tests.


Allow broadcasting of x and y, not necessarily identical size


model(t, a, omega, phi, b) Compute a sin(\omega t - \phi) + b.
sin_fit(t, y[, sorted, _debug]) Compute estimated initial parameters for noisy sinusoidal data.
skg.sin.model(t, a, omega, phi, b)[source]

Compute a sin(\omega t - \phi) + b.

  • t (array-like) – The value of the model will be the same shape as the input.
  • a (float) – The amplitude of the sine wave at t = \frac{\left( \frac{\pi}{2} + \phi \right)}{\omega}.
  • omega (float) – The angular frequency of the sinusoid. This is 2 \pi f, where f is the frequency.
  • phi (float) – The angular phase shift of the sinusoid. This is the phase shift in units of periods. The phase shift can be expressed as t_0 = \frac{\phi}{\omega}.
  • b (float) – The bias of the sinusoid.

y – An array of the same shape as t, containing the model computed for the given parameters.

Return type:


skg.sin.sin_fit(t, y, sorted=True, _debug=False)[source]

Compute estimated initial parameters for noisy sinusoidal data.

The result will have a very accurate approximation of the frequency, which is the crucial parameter for non-linear estimator initial values.

  • t (array-like) – The x-values of the data points. The fit will be performed on a raveled version of this array.
  • y (array-like) – The y-values of the data points corresponding to x. Must be the same size as x. The fit will be performed on a raveled version of this array.
  • sorted (bool) – Set to True if x is already monotonically increasing or decreasing. If False, x will be sorted into increasing order, and y will be sorted along with it.

  • a (float) – Amplitude.
  • omega (float) – Angular frequency: \omega = \frac{2\pi}{\lambda}.
  • phi (float) – Angular phase-shift.
  • b (float) – Additive bias.


  • Currently none. This function, and the underlying clustering algorithm are entirely the work of the author. A peer reviewed paper is currently in the works.